Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Special Broadcast: Prison Slavery Profits

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The GEO Group, Inc. GEO -0.11% ("GEO") scheduled a conference call today for it's second quarter 2013 financial results. Members of the group Move To Abolish Prison Slavery joined the call to gather intelligence and get a inside look at the world's second largest prison en-slaver and human trafficking corporation.

Join us tonight at 8:00PM EST for our regular scheduled broadcast as break down the conference call statement by statement. We will also welcome our new co-host Legacy Leonard to the show.

This and more on tonight's broadcast.
Move To Abolish 21st Century Slavery - Free myspace Profile Counter

1 comment:

  1. I cannot listen to this asshole talking about men and women in prison as ORGANIC PROPERTIES. And this type of slavery as if it were a regular day trading piece of stock on the NYSE. Oh I cringe at the thought of these BARBARIANS doing such a thing. YES BY ALL MEANS ABOLISH THIS CRAP.
